What Is the Cost of GAINSWave™ in Bergen County, NJ?
The cost of GAINSWave™ in Bergen County, NJ can vary. It all depends on the number of treatments needed to give men the full relief from their symptoms that they need to achieve better sexual health. Typically 6 to 12 treatments are recommended, depending on the severity of symptoms and the patient’s goals. Keep in mind that the effects of GAINSWave™ lasts for months, saving thousands of dollars on prescription ED medications.

Due to ED, I have not been sexually active in over 5 years. Oral ED medications did not work for me. Now after getting the GAINSWave, I feel confident that I can be spontaneous and enjoy my relationship with my wife again. It's not very often you get a second chance to start over at my age, and I'm grateful for GAINSWave therapy.
— John B. (Attorney) - Bergen County, NJ